
By Sydney

Little Red Riding Hood's Dog

This morning I had a new dishwasher delivered and I overheard one of the delivery men say to the other, "Have you seen her dog? It's like little red riding hood's dog!" I thought that was funny especially since he is such a sweetheart. He's 90 lbs and very friendly. He leaps high into the air every morning when I go to feed him as though he's auditioning for the circus. We rescued each other from the Humane Society where he had been taken from a home that left him chained to a pole for all of his 8 months of puppyhood prior to our meeting. The chain was embedded into his neck and had to be carved out, leaving scars that have mellowed over the ensuing years. His hips were wonky and I was told he would need both hips replaced but being able to walk and run allowed his hips to come into better alignment so he never needed it done. Rescue dogs are wonderful! I highly recommend them!

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