Grumpy Old Man

By Maurice1948

Au revoir Oban

A touch on the damp side this morning - we hoped it would clear up as we were off to Mull this afternoon.

It was dry as we set off at 2.30 to walk down to the ferry. We sat down in the café with a cuppa and I noticed that there was a sailing boat of some sort over by the Esplanade with a couple of sails up, and I intended to nip up on deck for a picture as soon as the 'Isle of Mull' set off. When I popped my head out of the door the boat was just in front of the old Church of Scotland so made it with half a second to spare!

A 50 minute sail to Craignure and then a 60 minute bus ride to Bunessan. We arrived soon after six - my extra today.

Quote of the Day: 'All I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by.' - John Masefield.

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