
By CleanSteve

The Simpsons fish and chip shop's bag

As a treat we have occasional fish and chips suppers, from the excellent local purveyors, Simpsons, in the centre of town. On one night a month, the first Tuesday they cook everything with gluten free batter, which means that Helena can have some too. In fact I don’t have fish and cho=ips unless it is on these special days.

I’ve always likes the company who have very friendly young staff and a good attitude. Their packaging is also of a high quality, and not the old newspaper wrapping of old. I decided to keep the paper bag that the various cardboard boxes of chips and two types of fish are presented in, which to my mind also have excellent graphic and functional designs.

I had it in mind to illuminate the lighthouse, which I attempted to do with a simple head torch on a plant pot inside the bag. Another time I might try harder, and wait for sunset, rather than just closing the dining room curtains.

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