
By Martigan

Annual event?

      T B H I can't be sure it is annual - BUT - it's certainly a happening.  For anybody who doesn't know, Standards are usually grafted onto a long "Stock" of the same family.  "When Ah waz a lad~ ~ " it was, I believe, a wild "Briar"; though I suspect from  search, things may have changed Thus:-
       "Many roses have been used for the root stock over the years but now for most roses, only one in the uk is now commonly used and that is Rosa laxa or Rosa corynbifera ‘Laxa’ to give it’s full name. The English dog rose Rosa canina has also be used in the past. Rosa laxa was chosen as it suits a wide range of soils, produces longer lived plants and is more disease resistant than other types used but when it does how do you tell it apart? Well here we go!"  I didn't continue .
      Unless, of course you're an American, in which case:-
"The most commonly used rootstock is the Climber Dr. Huey."
       I just had a conicalcomical thought; after I'd torn off the current sucker.  Is it worth the experiment to let it grow and try to "re-bud" onto the new stock?  The old top's looking pretty ropey AND is way too prickly for my liking.

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