Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

A drama on Helm Crag

We all checked out of the hotel this morning, then most of us went for a walk in one of three groups.

I was thrilled/amazed to make it to the top of Helm Crag. I thought that coming down would be a challenge and it was. I expected that if anyone slipped, it would be me, but I was wrong.

Poor Jenny (pictured when we had strapped her up and before shock set in) slipped, saved herself with an outstretched hand and sustained a Colles Fracture of her left wrist.

Her face does not show you how much pain she was in. Once the initial adrenaline rush was over, she was really suffering.

 Helen, our wonderful walk leader, and I stayed with her and waited for mountain rescue. Thankfully we were nearer to the bottom than the top, because they had to stretcher her off. (They thanked us for being as far down as we were!)

The team was superb. My first extra shows 6 of the crew carrying Helen on the stretcher. The other one shows the team putting the stretcher together.

She went to Lancaster for A & E. Last I heard she was waiting for the manipulation and plaster. What an end to the holiday. She was also due to continue travelling for a few more days.

My journey home was delayed by a big traffic holdup on the roundabout between the A66 and the M6. I chose to cross over and came home via the Hartside Pass. The views were marvellous, although I was concentrating on the hair pin bends

I was quite homesick while I was away but I coped with it. Next time should be easier again.

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