Feeding Frenzy

What a day! Hot, hot, hot!! Apparently birds get very hungry when it's hot. They were landing on my feeders in the dozens and not just the standard song birds either.
I saw birds of all kinds and colors today. Every time I passed by the window I grabbed my camera. These two were my choice because the red headed finch was feeding the smaller one. I was watching them for a while and each time the smaller bird would look up with this slightly tilted head and sincere looking eyes and it would immediately get a reaction from the bigger, red colored one. The bigger bird was not only feeding this adorable young bird but he was watching out that other birds did not interfere or threaten to harm the younger one.

In other news, my house was a total nut house today. I think the heat has gotten to everyone. At the dinner table tonight there was one grandchild crawling under the table and another standing and dancing on their seat. Everyone was talking at once and the dog was barking to go out. I found myself eating rather quickly. I'm pretty sure my dinner is stuck somewhere between my throat an stomach. Hopefully I'll digest it at some point. If I video taped the scene of my table at dinner it would probably go viral on YouTube.

It's quiet now and I do believe I'm going to try and get some extra shut eye. The heat seems to make you feel like you did a lot even when you haven't. I have a feeling this is going to be a long week!

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