
By Ridgeback13


Up early again but today I managed not to retreat for a nap later in the day! I walked over to the Book Festival for an event with Val McDermid interviewing Leslie Hills about hr book about the history of the people who have lived in her house (10, Scotland St) since it was built in 1824. I’d completely forgotten who I’d given the spare ticket to, and assumed it was CR since she’d said last night she’d see me there, but turns out she was there with her book group and I’d arranged to meet DB there…sorted it out in the end! Interesting topic and I expect the book is good but the interview felt a bit awkward…Leslie didn’t seem to understand the questions Val asked were meant to encourage her to talk around a topic so it was quite disjointed. Made me think about looking at who’s lived in my flat over the years….
On our way out of the venue I bumped into LM and her husband who’ve now moved from St Andrews and are in the process of buying a house in Merchiston. Always lovely to see her and we chatted, along with DB, about the event, EFI building work and their house plans. Must arrange for them to come over for Sunday lunch sometime.
From there I went home for lunch then over to the Usher Hall to see the Halle orchestra with Sir Mark Elder conducting and explaining the Mahler 5th symphony. We were sitting on beanbags amongst the musicians (although less in amongst them than last year). CW, CR and I settled down between the double basses and percussion and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Learned quite a lot about the piece, and good to have some things explained (like Mahler’s own instructions to the French horns and clarinets to periodically lift their instruments up when they played).
From there I walked up to Bruntsfield to meet CB for a long chat about group dynamics and work frustrations. It’s been brighter today but the wind and rolling cloud meant it’s been a fair bit cooler and I was pretty chilly by the time we finished sitting outside the café.
Walked home for chicken and pasta supper whilst I chatted to T, then finished off New Amsterdam series and caught up on the latest Repair Shop episode. Looks like my iPad can’t be repaired so, having checked I have all the records and passwords etc downloaded from P’s iPad I transferred it to me and downloaded everything from iCloud. At least that’s saved me buying a new one!
Shocked to see how dark it was about 9.30pm…oh no it’s nearly autumn!

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