
By loisbiz

Flying High

I wonder what it feels like to fly so easily over the bay, watching us pull traps looking for the biggest crab, throwing the small ones back in the water. Are you waiting for us to finish crabbing so that you can catch the bait we throw for you? Do Seagulls think and have thoughts about us fishermen? Hmmmm...I wonder.

Our company came in this morning. This family have been coming from near SLC, Utah since their kids were little; now they are visiting with their two children and their spouses. They surfed in Seaside this morning, walked on the beach, crabbed with us this afternoon, so they were ready for bed early. 

Tonight we had fresh salmon (hubby caught it two days ago), crab melt on English muffins, vegetables, and fresh blackberry cobbler. Yummy dinner!! The blackberries were picked this afternoon; they grow wild along most streets here. 

Sorry Anni, I have no flower for today.

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