Kendall is here

By kendallishere

Foo Fighters Fireworks

I was going to skip blipping today. I have a migraine and just wasn't feeling like being on a screen. But just as I was about to go to bed, I heard a lot of popping and banging and looked out the window to see some spectacular fireworks. Grabbed the camera, didn't even look at settings, and caught the very end of it. 

Then I went online to see if I could figure out what it was all about. Apparently people were in line for the Foo Fighters concert from dawn this morning. I was in Africa in the 90s, so I know nothing about popular music from that decade (nor the 80s either). I have no idea what they sound like, but they have some spectacular fireworks. Much more sparkly in large.

The venue only holds a maximum of 30,000, so no danger of the earthquake effect here.

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