a lifetime burning

By Sheol


An early visitor to the garden - a green woodpecker in mid bounce.  They are not terribly confiding birds.  So I was amazed that she kept on with the business of searching for leatherjackets in the lawn, while allowing me to sneak back inside to change the lens on the camera, and then sneak back out again, to be continue taking her portrait.   

I could have done with being able to move position as the strong contrast between light and shadow shooting contra jour made judging the exposure trickier than I would have liked.  When, eventually I decided to be brave enough to slowly try to edge to a better position she immediately took flight, but at least I got some shots.

Meanwhile there were two more Common Darter emergences from the pond this morning, but I've spared you them in view of the plethora of such shots that you've had to endure this week!

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