Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


Hello Lovely Blippers,

Mr. HCB was heard to mutter that he will soon be cutting the long grass that has been part of the "No Mow May to September" in their garden so we thought we should take the opportunity to play Hide and Seek before then.

Leighton and Baby Jay decided that they would be the seekers - you can see a better view of them at the top - and the rest of us would go and hide - but for some of us that was quite difficult because the long grass made us sneeze - perhaps that's why Mrs. HCB sneezes so often!

Anyway, while we were busy hiding, Mr. HCB was busy picking MORE beans - do you know what - they have more beans than you have had hot dinners and Mrs. HCB keeps saying when Mr. HCB brings them in "NOT MORE beans?!"  They have had them stirfried, boiled, uncooked in a salad and we keep telling Mrs. HCB she should make some chutney, but so far she hasn't.  Guess they may take some to Church tomorrow and give them away - because vegetables out of the garden are SO good and much better than you can buy in any shop - even Waitrose!

We need to go back out into the garden to play - but hope that you all have a good weekend - and remember BE KIND - because sometimes all people need is a kind word or gesture to make them feel better and who better to do it than you wonderful Blippers!

See you next Saturday - have a great week and may the sun shine on you wherever you are.

Love to you all from
The Silly Saturday Gang xxx

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