
By Rosemarie55

Bed Table!

16°C  -  12 mph WSW Wind Speed  -  30 mph Gusts  -  Overcast.  Spent the morning trying to get back onto the Internet again  -  must've pressed the wrong button before I went to bed last night!!  Anyway as you can see, I got back on after a lot of screaming and gritting of teeth and pressing more buttons☻☻ Yesterday Amazon brought me this cute Bed Table  -  I've found that my back pain lessens or even disappears for a while if I'm resting on the bed while using my little laptop.  I set up the camera and tripod  -  set the timer at 10 secs  -  then leapt into bed.  Took a couple of shots but managed a reasonable shot.  Have a good weekend, Everyone:)

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