Lost in Thought

By steveng

Slide Mounts!

Many of us will, I suspect, have used these in the past?

If not - these are slide mounts which would have been used by photographers mounting their own slides after either developing the film themselves or sending it away for processing.   Useful if you were keen on exposure bracketing as there was virtually no opportunity for post processing* with slides and so just one chance to get the exposure right.  Probably just mount the ones with good exposure and composition?

Gill and I did quite a few of these - we probably still have the press (for closing the two halves of the mounts together somewhere in the loft.

Probably about 20 left in the box -  if you are keen let me know and I'll post them to you. (unless you are far away in which case - feel free to pay :-)

Thanks to everyone who has called in on my journal recently - we're back home now so with better connectivity I can reply and/or look at your journals.

*cropping with tape or thin card?

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