secret garden

By freespiral

Meanwhile in New Zealand....

... Esme Rae is looking very like her daddy, quite like her uncle and possibly her granny. I know you got a pic not long ago but who can resist this cheeky smile. I have started the long and complicated process of preparing for the next trip down under. November would be excellent but Joe might be working. Christmas would be wonderful but controversial and expensive and January is summer hols there so very expensive and a lot of places already booked. It might be February. Also, can I cope with a 16 hour flight? I have done it before and don't remember a thing. I slept right through refuelling and cleaning in Kuala Lumpur to Himself's amusement. Yes, drugs were taken. 

A grey but muggy day - a spot of housework, a swim, and a visit by someone to take a look at the shower. We have our own well and the water is fantastic but it contains quite a lot of manganese (filtered from the dinking tap) which eventually makes grouting and the inside of kettles very black. The tiles are looking very manky and the door is starting to go a bit dodgy; J arrived and will be happy to rip things out and start again, sometime in October. Nice chap. From Huddersfield.

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