
By cate1


What an awful journey I had this morning driving to a coffee meet-up with my brother and sister.  The forecast was for rain, but it was the worst journey I've ever had.  It was raining when we set off, but there was a big hold up on the route that would have taken me along the motorway to the garden centre that we were going to.  My sister said turn left and go along the country road - big mistake.  The rain became torrential and even with the wipers going at there fastest speed, I couldn't see clearly and as I was on a two way narrow country road that I didn't know, I couldn't stop in case a car came around a bend.  The journey took 20 minutes, not a long time, but it was nerve wracking and I didn't really recover for hours even although the rain had gone off by the time we had had lunch and were driving back.  
In future I'll sit in the queue of traffic no matter how long it's going to take.  

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