Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

That's it!

I have come to realise that I am probably over my jet lag at last but am now being beaten up by my sore back. Perhaps I'm getting old. How irritating.
When I rolled myself stiffly out of bed today I did my first set of proscribed exercises (I did then again later in the day too) I then gathered my aches and pains and had some breakfast so I could take some Ibuprofen, honestly I'm fed up of this!
We had a fairly quiet day, I did stagger into the garden in a quiet, dry moment to see how my veg crops were doing. There are some runner beans forming eventually by the looks of things, hopefully they'll come to something - they are yet to convince me though.
This pathetic object is being published as my blip to try and shame it into producing some more. One solitary courgette, four inches long! What a pathetic excuse for a crop. I gave the plant a good talking to so it'll either curl up and die or produce an enormous crop out of embarrassment. I'm not holding my breath. It's
Sunday tomorrow though, a good day to pray for miracles surely!

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