Over Yonder

By Stoffel

Smoosh in the Cone of Shame

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

After the high jinks of last night today was much quieter. It has been raining solidly since last night which is annoying the cats but has given Caro and I a good excuse to stay inside and watch true crime shows while napping. 

There was not a great amount of incident today and so my blip is of Smoosh, Briar's cat who has been consigned to the Cone of Shame.

Briar also has a stressed fish named Neptune. I asked her how she knew Neptune was stressed and she said he has a drooping fin. 

Ironically, this may be caused by Smoosh herself, who insists on watching Neptune and tapping on the glass. 

I do not think the Cone of Shame is related to Smoosh's harassment of Neptune. 

Nevertheless, I hope they both recover soon. And I told Briar she should wear a cone in solidarity.


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