
By EvelyneNC


Will do the write up tomorrow.
After 7 hours of sleep, I looked at all the pictures last night and settled on this one again as my main picture. I will put some more in the extras though.
This short walk along the beach supported , literally, by hubby, lifted our mood.
It had been a fraxelated day with lots of little things that did not work as they should have worked. Moved a couple of plants, did not have enough boxes to continue packing, felt pressure as the buyers of the house wanted an earlier escrow, and was overall unhappy about the uniformness of my days , just us, packing , packing, packing.
And all that with constant pain from my falls. Knee and shoulders ‘shot’.
So our walk on the beach, just before sunset, was an absolute mood lifter.
What a gorgeous Lightshow! And so many different views, whether we looked north, south or east….The main picture is west, straight into the sun which caused the camera to be a little darker than it was for the ‘naked’ eye.

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