
By TheOttawacker


Thank you for the kind words received yesterday for my 2,000th blip. Not sure I have consciously done much in my life two thousand times, so I am reasonably proud of it.
An appalling night’s sleep, due no doubt to an excess of red wine, I have nobody to blame but myself. I muddled my way through a couple of New Zealand tasks, then braced my loins to go and get bullied by Anna at the gym. Bullying duly took place. She wasn’t in a good mood this week. Looking back on last week’s post, I can now confirm that she is nicer when in a good mood. I was already in a bit of pain due to the physio’s exercises, but she finished me off today. The pace was brusquer and she kept on adding in new weights. When I got out, my muscles were almost trembling.
Anyway, I made a couple of phone calls, drove Ottawacker Jr. and Lucas to football, then started preparing dinner. Scrambled call in the middle of it from Mrs. Ottawacker, who had gone to pick up the boys from practice… but had gone to the wrong field. No harm done.
Dinner. Olympics catch up. Bed.

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