I Witness

By KangaZu

Sunday ...

... Funday.

It has rained most of the day ... quite heavily at times.  But shortly before lunch there was enough of a break for us to get out to Louise Moore County park for a lovely (and thankfully, dry) walk. 

On the way to the park we drove by Green Pond and were lucky enough to spot this beautiful Great Egret.  He was fishing for small minnows and wasn't concerned with us being right next to him in our vehicle.  I was able to get lots and lots of shots of him ... including the one I've added into Extras.  If you look closely at my main photo you can see one of the minnows that he was catching.  He eventually flew off when a cyclist whizzed by.  Please have a look full screen.

In case you missed it ... I backblipped for yesterday's Silly Saturday.

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