Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2024 Friday — Upper Patio Time

When the afternoon is clear and all the moist fog has vanished, we thoroughly enjoy time on our fire pit patio. Today was such a day.

Mr. Fun lights-up the incense, the pups each get a green chew bone, and we simply soak-in the wonder of the view and the loveliness of being outdoors.

Honest, our summer is just arriving. We’ve experienced six weeks of fairly consistent fog. It happens because the inland geography heats to triple digit temperatures and when those temps reach the coastal cold water, the chemistry of the two produce fog. The days we are a little tired of the fog, we remind ourselves that the alternative is triple digit temperatures. We’ll choose fog every time.

Quite visible in my photo is our newest completed “urban green house” that was purchased at Costco in late June and finally finished probably two weeks ago. A wonderful accomplishment for Mr. Fun.

Good night from Cayucos
on California’s Central Coast,
Rosie (& Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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