
By MerrilHope

Day Eight: A boy and his bike

Emre, son of our previous caretaker at BL, riding around in the afternoon on the bicycle that Gaby and I bought him for his birthday last year. Very happy to see him and that he is still enjoying his bike.   He was very happy to see Connie, (we were out for a late afternoon amble) although concerned at how frail she is now at the ripe old age of fifteen -  older than him !

Drama of the day was the fire just outside Akbuk where an area of scrub and shrub was destroyed. Daily temperatures of around 36C and tinder dry folliage. Water bucket carrying helicopters and yellow 'fire' planes were quickly on the scene along with fire engines and ambulance - but no one seemed to be hurt.  We had been in Akbuk for breakfast (English for Gaby, Turkish for me) and curtain shopping.

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