Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Bombus impatiens

I used to think all the bumble bees in my garden were this species but now I am better able to distinguish between the 5 species who visit us.  Right now, almost every bumble in the garden is this species, Common Eastern Bumble Bee.  They are still hard at work and can mostly be found on my native mountain mint and anise hyssop.  Lovely creatures who are very happy to ignore me as they go about their important bombus business.

I'm posting a little early today because I need to run some errands and get some things done today.  Hubs drove back from Watkins Glen this morning, about a 3.5 hour drive, and is now in Pennsylvania returning the trailer.  While Jax was snoozing this morning, I mopped the floors and put fresh towels in the guest rooms in anticipation of Peg and Kura arriving tomorrow.  

I found a recipe for keto brownies that looks good so I am going to try baking a batch this afternoon.  I'm a reasonably good cook, but not a baker other than no-knead bread.  But I figure if I follow the directions I should be fine.  Using almond flour and monk fruit sugar to keep it keto-compliant.  Even found some sugar free dark chocolate chips that I can sprinkle on the top.

We had some heavy rains and thunderstorms last night but no flooding here and our new roof did what it should and kept us dry and cozy.  I think we may get some thunderstorms this afternoon too but then the weather is going to be lovely the rest of the week.  I can't believe that summer is winding down...


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