You're not alone

By Collared


This picture was taken at Eastbourne Airshow with a Nikon D500, ISO100 using a Sigma 150 to 600 mm lens set at 600mm ƒ8.0 1/800 sec.

This picture is available to purchase from my website

It is displaying the AeroSuperBatics Wingwalkers performing one of their Wingwalking demonstrations. The AeroSuperBatics team were first founded in 1984 by Vic Norman. We have performed in 20 countries and are regular visitors throughout Europe, Asia and the Middle East.

On average they perform around 60 public displays a year, entertaining over 6 million spectators at large live audience events. We are also able to perform at private events on request.

As professional wingwalkers they perform breathtaking acrobatics and handstands whilst strapped to the top wings of their 6 beautiful 1940’s Boeing Stearman biplanes, as their pilots fly through a choreographed and energetic routine of dazzling aerobatics and close formation flypasts. These manoeuvres include loops, rolls, stall turns and inverted flight – all reaching speeds of up to 150 mph and ‘G’ forces of up to 4G’s!

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