
By Martigan

They're ALL at it.

        Even "Number three".  I Christened it No. 3 purely B-coz I know it's not No. 1 and think Al fancied the Standard sooner.
        Anyway "hereinafter referred to as~ ~ ~ ". 
On the left    - Two new, strong growths, stronger than I recall any previous ones on this plant.
On the right - Where it all starts, from one dead-looking Stick. 
       We never, to my memory, evicted a Plant; they are all allowed to die a natural death, in their own time. - BUT - if I'm honest I suspect this one's telepathic, because the thought had crossed my mind. 
       It's actually a last. minute Plan B I found, while Trawling, a. set of three shots of "The Sportsman's" (Inn) and couldn't remember if I'd used them as a "Panorama". Fortunately I checked and I had - BUT - unlike me I didn't query the positioning &/or spelling.
       Here are your choices. ("Discus").   ; ¬)
1. The Sportsman's
2. The Sportsmans' (Probably wrong Spill-chucker says so)
3. The Sportsmen's
4. The Sportsmens' (Which again is Spill chuck disliked)
NOT that I have GREAT faith in it, since it WILL insist on the use of a Grocers' Apostrophe @ EVERY  plural


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