Growing old disgracefully



I worry about kids. I worried about my own kid, my pupils, my friends kids, even stranger's kids- and with good reason. some kids get far more than their share of life's knocks. And now I worry about my grandchildren.

A lot of the motivation for my mindfulness practice is to enable me to manage these worries better, especially when they are the pointless worries about a future which can't be predicted. And most of the time my practice helps me by making me focus on what is actually present.

When this little lad was born five years ago, our hearts were full of fear for him, and at times they still are, but today I keep bringing myself back to how bright, happy and healthy he is at the moment. As I type this, I can hear him and his mummy playing football happily in the garden. Who would have dreamt it could have been this good.

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