Simply The Hesse

By stewart


Once in a while you are called upon to punish wayward pupils - I derive a certain amount of pleasure in selecting which punishments to give them - some of my favourites are:

~Making them ring their parents and explain why they're in trouble on the speaker phone. (They rarely stray after this one)

~Scrapping chewing gum of the bottom of the tables (see previous blip)

~Writing their own detention letter, to their parents.

~taking their shoes off and swapping with another students (they get an idea of what it's like to be in someone elses' shoes)

The one i used today was for two students, who decided that they would prefer to miss part of thier lunch hour than listen or behave in my lesson, they have sharpened all of my 300 colouring pencils - this took them 1/2 hour - not bad going!

This is the by product of said detention.

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