
By Nettenet


I had the boys for the afternoon and took them to visit uncle Josh.  H is still not 100% and cried a couple of times for seemingly no reason but was easily placated.  

I just love conversations with O at the moment and all the knowledge he is soaking up.  On the way to Josh’s he spotted a taxi with its sign on its roof, looking in my rear view mirror, oh yes, the blue one I can see it says I . No! Not blue it’s teal he replies.  Yes, it was a teal/turquoise colour ;-D.  Nat told me they discuss people’s favourite colour and they tell him mine is teal…which it is.  Or during the drive he sighs and says oh, what a day! ;-D

Love them to bits.

And…. Drum roll…..I’m up to date with blip!!…. At least for one day ;-D

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