Wearing purple...

By 60plus10

Twiggy bits and bark...

...and apples, on our apple tree...

Haircuts this morning, then a walk around the block this aft when the sun came out and it got warmer. Roy took the secateurs, so he could trim the thin branches, brambles and nettles that were overgrowing the path.

Round the corner there was lots of chittering, so we looked up and there were 20 or so Swallows gathering on the wires - guess it's nearly time to leave.  

Further along we had a forage for blackberries - a small box full, so they'll be eaten for breakfasts over the next couple of days.

Finally, little peeping sounds as we crossed the dam - and the Grebes were tootling along and diving in turn.

About to have a video chat with the Escapees now - so a varied and pleasant day!

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