
By Stiffknees


The yellow rose by our kitchen door has more or less finished blooming for the year but there was a little spray of roses near the bottom which looked pretty covered in raindrops after a heavy shower this morning.  I thought we'd get more enjoyment from it indoors so I brought it in and took a few shots.  There is a more open rose in extras which I've faffed around with a bit!

It's been a busy day, starting off with stacking a load of logs ready for when the weather turns and then, with Mr Sk's help, sorting out my old camera and a couple of lenses for a quote.  I rarely use my Nikon D5300 camera and because I needed to get an accurate shutter count for the quote we'll get in early September, I used it to take these photos - with my favourite Sigma 105 macro lens which I'll be keeping!  I loved the D5300, especially as it was my first proper, grown-up camera, but I find the Z50 I use now is more user friendly and doesn't weigh as much - which is important when one has arthritis in wrists and hands! 

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