
By chrispybox

And now creation of the images starts

Lots of Blip admin today so almost up to date. 

Reread the ‘final draft’ of my granddaughter’s story book for Xmas and found some pagination errors and a couple of typos. I’m amazed there are still errors in there.

Started work on creating images for the book. Currently there will be approximately 40 illustrations required so a lot of work to complete over the next couple of months.

The first challenge today was to design a cover. So my Blip is a prototype. Will be interested in any feedback from you before making a decision.

Had a difficult discussion with my granddaughter over the weekend to say this could be the last book I can write. In good negotiation style she said I only needed to write one book next year!  I said to her that she needed to create the plot line so I could better understand what stories she likes. Let’s see what transpires.

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