Today's the day

By sheilwill

Telford Bridge

Today's the day ....................... to repair

We had a letter from Dumfries & Galloway Council a week or two ago, warning us that 'interim repair works' were about to be undertaken on the Telford Bridge at Tongland, that carries the A711 over the River Dee.  Apparently the repairs are to 'two of the intermediate piers - one at the south bank and one at the north bank'.  

Work has now started - and the first thing they had to do was to make a new road that winds its way down to the bridge, halfway down the bank.  It was fascinating to watch from the opposite side of the river, just one man and his digger set about this rather precarious-looking task (see extra). 

It all looks very solid now though - and presumably it will be just the job to allow workmen and their bridge-mending kit to get to where they need to be to do the job properly ............................ 

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