This is how I roll

By Squatbetty_film

Lubi Tuesday: Reverence

Camera: 1985 Lubitel 166B
Film: Kodak Gold 200 120 Film
Location: Barnsley
Date: 26 April 2024

Spectemur Agendo = Let us be judged by our acts.

From the BBC:
A permanent memorial to those who have died with Covid-19 and the unsung workers of the pandemic has been unveiled in Barnsley.
Reverence, by sculptor Graham Ibbeson and engraved with poetry by Ian McMillan, was revealed in the town's new Glass Work's square.
The bronze depicts key workers alongside ordinary people affected by the pandemic.
Though the project cost £210,000, Ibbeson and McMillan worked for free.

Ordinary people such as volunteers, ambulance drivers and shopkeepers are depicted.
Poet Ian McMillan, known as the Barnsley Bard, wrote the words engraved on the plinth:
"Barnsley's fierce love will hold you forever in its heart".

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