
By suehutton

Dismantling a Power Line

3-4 weeks ago when I Cecilied down to Garendon Park, workers were digging trenches across the track to lay cables to the new housing development. Pipes were laid and cables threaded through them.

This afternoon when Basil and I went back, four vans and a 4x4 were hogging the track. They'd come from the National Grid to, guess what, lay cables, except that the existing cables were overhead and needed to be brought down, as you see here.

I said to one of the chaps, Why wasn't this done 3-4 weeks ago when the track was being dug up. He raised his eyebrows. We empathised.

Further round the estate, house martins and swallows were flying and swooping and settling on a tree. I guess it's a sign of Autumn and they're getting ready to migrate south. See extra.

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