Booky Goatherd

By Booky_Goatherd

Tuesday: Early Morning Television

I had an early start this morning as I had to be on the road by 05.30.  I was heading up to Orange Walk to do a TV interview with their local station.  In addition to the early start, the weather was horrendous as we had the remnants of a tropical storm passing over.  I used the opportunity to doze my way through the journey - I should add that I wasn’t driving…….

The interview itself was fine even if the presenter was on her phone every time she was off camera.  This picture is of the video editing suite.

This evening we met up with S. at ‘Wings and Feathers’.  Their kitchen is now open and I had the most splendid burger.  ‘Corkers’ is but a dim and distant memory.

I know that many of us follow the same people and we are a tight knit community so I just wanted to give a shout out to Leny who is unfortunately in hospital with a broken hip.  Wishing you a speedy recovery, Leny

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