Country File

By marypot

99 Red Balloons

Or maybe just one to my name today? The lovely folks from blipfoto messaged to remind me the other day that my 1500th blip was approaching. I remember when I started this that I used to plan ahead when a special blip was approaching. I was going to do something today too but since I am still flagging from Sunday's antics in a Scottish field and it was school sports day I thought, well, this picture is a good reflection of what my journal is all about: me and my kids, often racing about trying to keep up ! There's Grace all in red. She was five months old when I started all this. Now she's fast approaching her sixth birthday. Ophelia also took part in some races with her preschool friends. She first appeared in my journal aged 20 minutes old (if you don't count her in utero scan photos). Arwen has been born too. So many happy memories captured here over the years. Of course I've blipped through hard times too, most notably losing my Mam so suddenly almost four years ago. She never met Ophelia though she was very excited that we were having another baby and told me that the day before she died, sitting there at my brother's wedding. She never knew we'd also have a third child.

I may not keep up with journals like I once did. The community has grown so much and my life is way busier than five years ago. Blip central should be extremely proud of what they have created for us here. Personally I am very thankful to have the memories I do saved, and regretful I missed so many days. Determined to keep going daily from here on out...
197/365 completed!

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