
By Mo

Two people on a kitchen table

Duncan and Malcolm went home this afternoon, and my guys were quite happy to chill and catch up on some low-grade squabbling and Primeval DVDs (much the same thing, really).

I spent a couple of hours looking through my parents' photo collection, which I've had since my dad died in January 2006. This is the first time since then that I've sat and gone through it all properly. My mum kept most of her photos in an old handbag and I used to love looking through them as a kid, so a lot of the pictures were familiar. But of course I see them all differently now that I'm a grown-up (allegedly), a parent and, of course, now that my mum and dad are gone.

I'm toying with the idea of framing and displaying some of the pictures, but today I simply did a bit of initial editing at the kitchen table. The stuff on the left is my dad and his family. The right hand side is my mum and her family. The square ones at the bottom record my early years, just before the world turned colour!

I remember thinking when I was wee that my mum and dad had tons of photos. But Red takes more in a month than my mum and dad collected in their lives.

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