There Must Be Magic

By GirlWithACamera

A Celebration of Ferns

And then the temperatures dropped, like some kid speeding in a Ferrari who suddenly spotted a trooper! The day was cool and breezy and delightful. For the first time in months, we put on pants, and walked into the woods.

My husband wanted to jog, and I was in search of butterflies. So we grabbed some hoagies and went up into Moshannon State Forest for the day. He jogged and I walked to the butterfly field on top.

The pink thistle blooms are waning now, though, and I suspect the temps were a little cool for butterflies. So I only saw a few of those winged beauties. Got a couple of shots of a red-spotted purple.

We met back at the car and ate our hoagies, then packed up our daysacks and chairs and walked down into the woods. When it's real August weather - heat, humidity - there are bugs. But there weren't many out on this day. To be honest, we don't spend lots of time in the deep woods in the heat of summer. Everything was overgrown.

The big story of the day was the ferns, which were many, and splendid. I love the colors and textures and feathery shapes of ferns. Don't they look like little trees glued onto a stick? I had to touch them, of course (fern fondling alert), and I officially pronounce them: spectacular! just lovely in every way!

Now, you're going to giggle when you hear my song choice. I searched on my music collection for "fern." It brought me Fernando, by Abba! Now, WHEN in the world would I ever have the chance to use this song? So even though it has nothing to DO with ferns, let's hear it: here's Abba's version, and here's Cher's version from Mamma Mia 2.

Yes, if I had to do the same again
I would, my friend, Fernando . . .

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