By Bella888

That was the Blue Moon (one day after)

This was taken last night, after I'd blipped, so have taken the liberty to post it today.

Morning on the phone trying to get my name corrected. 'They' usually get our surname wrong, this time they'd added a final 'e' to my middle name. Companies always ask me to write in to correct it, but I refuse as it's their error not mine.

Also been dealing with a credit agency for a few days. They said I wasn't on the Electoral Register, when I am. Finally asked my email to be dealt with by Manager and threatened the Ombudsman. Guess what sorted within no time.

The local hospital had our surname down incorrectly on several occasions. Causes problems locating records. Have lost count how often it's been corrected.

At work we had a dictum 'right first time'. Should be adopted universally!

Finally got out. Dropped off a letter at the Post Office, popped into Aldi to see if they still had a discounted cushion (they didn't). Then for a well deserved cider in Westbourne.

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