Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Blowing in the Wind

Not a lot of camera time today, but this caught my eye in the garden - a big fluff of Common Milkweed seeds about to take flight.  I always think they are so very pretty, like little ballerinas about to to dance off into the sky.

It was very good to have my friends Peg and Kura here last night.  Such a sad time, but we managed find things to laugh about.  We had a good dinner, some keto brownies (a hit) and then settled in to watch some of the DNC.  Not surprisingly, Michelle and Barack Obama were brilliant - they are both such excellent speakers and their messages were spot on.  The surprise of the evening, for me, was Kamala Harris' husband, Dough Emhoff.  His speech was funny and tender and just very, very touching to me.  If you didn't see it, you can probably find it on YouTube and it is definitely worth watching.  

Leisurely breakfast this morning of overnight oats and fresh fruit followed by a morning-stretch workout on the deck.  They headed out around 11:30 - Peggy to drop Kura off in the City and then continue on to visit with another friend.  She will be back here this evening and we have a quiet day planned for tomorrow.  The weather continues to be beautiful - so grateful for sunny days right now.

Hold your loved ones close.


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