A time for everything

By turnx3

Back to the bike trail

Not having got much exercise in since leaving England on Friday, we headed to the bike trail after breakfast. We started from Corwin, and headed north. My legs were telling me I hadn’t been on a bike for about six weeks, so I only managed just over 10 miles return today! As you can see from my collage, there were quite a few wildflowers along the way.,at one point, we could hear quite a cacophony of bird calls from the trees just ahead. When we grew level with them, we could see they were raiding the farmers corn fields - if you look carefully at the top left photo, you can see some of them in the sky above! In the afternoon, we both had appointments with the optometrist, which didn’t go quite the way we’d expected - we were thinking it was just an eye check to see if we need a new prescription for glasses. However, he found the pressure in my right eye was rather high, which he believed is due to “narrow angles” in the eye, referring to the shape of the angle at the front of the eye, where the iris and cornea meet. The drainage angle is where fluid drains from the eye. When the iris and cornea are too close together the drainage angle can become narrow, blocking fluid from leaving the eye and raising eye pressure, and possibly leading to an acute glaucoma attack. It can happen when you are far-sighted, which I am, and as cataracts begin to develop, which they are. So he has referred me to Cincinnati Eye Institute, where the treatment will be to undergo laser iridotomy, where they make a microscopic hole in the iris using a laser, thus restoring the flow of fluid to the front of the eye! Then, when it was Roger’s turn, the optometrist wasn’t very happy with what he saw in Roger’s damaged eye- where he had the torn retina last year, so he referred him back to his specialist. R would have been seeing him in October anyway, but our optometrist felt he might want to see him sooner than that! Oh the joys of getting older! However, we are really blessed in having the Cincinnati Eye Institute, with all its experienced doctors so close by.

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