
By KatesGardenPDX


Oh gosh, I'd forgotten that one of the side effects of the epidural steroid injection can be insomnia...it sure was for me! I think I slept about 4 hours last night all told. But I had a lovely massage this afternoon and feel much better. Fingers crossed that the pain is mitigated!

This is a somewhat uninspired but kinda cool shot of a Salvia officinalis or Sage plant growing in my courtyard. It's done well, although I never use it for cooking. Maybe I will this fall.

All caught up on grading for my class. I'm expecting another ten final projects before next Monday morning and then we have the final test. We'll reward ourselves with a tour of Sean Hogan's amazing climate appropriate garden out on Sauvie Island when it's over. You might remember that he's the brains behind the Portland Botanical Garden, where I used to be the executive director. I miss seeing and talking with Sean, so this will be a lot of fun! And great blip material ;-)

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