
By MovableParts


Roadrunners regularly take dust baths as part of their grooming routine.  However, I fear Roadie has a bad case of fleas. 

He hadn't been around for two weeks, then I saw him a few blocks away.  He looked a bit crazed and scruffy, bedraggled.  I was on my bicycle, but I braked and called to him "Hey, Roadie, come back home; we will feed you." He stopped in his tracks and nodded (seriously). Sure enough, he showed up yesterday. That's when I saw just how bedraggled he looked.  Plus, he couldn't stop cleaning himself, picking at the fleas, picking, picking... which is so unlike the Roadie I know.

I fed him well, then he took several dust baths like the one in the photo. 
As I went inside, Roadie stood at the fence, panting, like they do in extreme heat. It was 101 F (38 C) in our downtown today.  He did not make another appearance. 

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