
By Wanderers13

1913 Wenlock 500 (ignore the text in the shot)

This afternoon we paid a visit to the National Motor Cycle Museum near the NEC in Birmingham where the largest collection of British motor cycles is held. We like bikes and possibly wannabe bikers, but instead watch the Moto GP series. J's brother and a number of friends have had a serious interest in bikes, enough for J to see its a cold, wet and dangerous occupation.

The museum is amazing, too much for me, but J could remember seeing a number of the bikes either in a racing capacity or from his brothers earlier days, either as a biker on the road - or off - or as a drag racer.

The Wenlock above has a historical background for J. He came across a series of references for his father and grandfather, the latter having worked for Witting Ltd, Wenlock Street, Hull, about the 1913 period.

We are now near Evesham, a big jump from Lincolnshire, although the amazing weather is the same.

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