Ramblings and Mutterings

By ValleyAllBlack

See you next Murder

Up early to get a few things done before today's audit. All sorted.

Our old auditor for this standard retired this year, so we said our goodbyes this time last year. He was really good, tested us, but helped us improve and we always had a laugh. He will be missed. Our new auditor was fine though, but she had to learn all about our business again.

We have survived day one anyway.

Managed to book a night out and I'm glad I booked this one in the end. Kathy and Stella Solve a Murder was a comedy musical and it was very funny. Really, really good and if you get a chance before it shuts in September, definitely go.

Today I am thankful for:

1.  A good night out at the theatre
2.  A good audit day
3.  A delicious banh mi for lunch

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