
By ArcLight

Chelone - pink turtlehead

My search for easy care suitable plants to put against the backdrop of the stone walls in the new bed (you can just see the chelone at the back in the middle in this blip by Mr A) led me to impulse buy this chelone at Highland Lilliums last week. Definitely a new one on me. Hopefully it won't prove invasive. Doesn't seem to be a worry from what I have read.

My "digging break" today consisted of some time spent turning over soil in part of that same bed, and also cutting back the lillies which flowered months ago. We currently get some good early colour in that bed. It will be important to find things that give us some colour through the summer. Work-in-progress.

I also had a swim in the morning at Shandwick with L and M, but not a really long one. It was pretty cold, and we had the sea and - pretty much - the beach to ourselves.

Yoga in the evening. Finally, as we reach the end of the summer and my regular attendance at yoga classes, I am starting to feel strong enough to do yoga.... Yet again, I should issue a rallying call to myself: keep going with yoga through the year! You know you will benefit from it.

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