
By HareBrain

Robert Clive

The infamous Lord Clive of India and me in Shrewsbury today.  His Statue can be found in the Square where it was erected in 1860. Following the anti-racists riots, in 2020 protesters pulled down the Colston Statue in Bristol, which sparked off huge controversy as to whether other statues round the Country which had connections to slavery, racism and more should be removed. A petition was started for the removal of Clive's statue but so far he is still in situ. My personal view of it all is: let sleeping dogs lie, history is history, BUT we must aim to do very much better.

It was very busy in the town today but after I'd sorted out an order with Seasalt I had a happy wander round a few favouite shops, in particular, Waterstones and Write Here (fountain Pen shop and which caters for all your writing needs, papers, sketch books, art materials together with beautiful cards, gifts, games and even kites!) you can spend ages in here! I had some things to pick up in the large Boots after which I had a welcome sit down at 'the Greenhouse' and a bowl of spinach moussaka which warmed me up on this cool and very windy day.

On the bus back to my car I sat next to a very nice lady who had been to Waterstones to collect a book just out:  'Goodbye to Russia' by Claire Rainsford.  A personal reckoning of the ruins of war.  I read the blurb and it looks like a rather harrowing but very interesting and topical book.

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