Crazy About Birds

By Kimb


Some shapes for Abstract Thursday.

The full view of the shape bearers is the extra. Rather confusing, actually. I saw what seemed to be my girl (the special deer) but then saw she had a fawn with her, so I figured it wasn't her, because I've always assumed that the doe with the single fawn was a different doe who does appear occasionally for peanuts but isn't THAT doe who comes twice daily. I tossed a few peanuts out, the mama came up to eat, and then the next time I looked there were two fawns, and one of them was a good deal larger than the other. In this shot the taller one is on the downhill side, so they look almost the same size, but the weren't at all. A very marked size difference. So now I wonder if one of the fawns has lost its mum? And also - when I got a closer look at the doe, it surely looked like my doe. So I'm completely confused. I did, actually, notice a day or two ago that my doe had a visible nipple between her back legs - so she either is, or was, nursing a fawn at some point. But she's always alone when she comes for peanuts. Except - perhaps - this time. I'M SO CONFUSED!!!!

Oh well. They're all lovely.

Edit - My girl just showed up. I guess the other one is a lookalike who happens to have one or two fawns. But also - my girl is being tormented by horseflies! Poor thing. I took a photo - which I'll have a look at and maybe add as an extra.

Also - added a different shot of the two fawns that shows their size difference.

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