Everyday Life

By Julez

Steampunk Lincoln 2024

Today was a day for more clearing of clutter and dealing with little jobs that get overlooked. I had a walk into town but didn't bother to take any photos as Brian and I had planned to go up to the Cathedral area this evening for the photo-shoot prior to the Steampunk festival which begins tomorrow.

Some of the outfits on display were amazing - I loved the look of these ladies who had coordinated their outfits - several families, couples and groups of friends had done that.

I might stick a few extras from today onto tomorrow's Blip. It's getting a bit late now. I took photos on both my camera and my mobile and had loads to edit and choose from on each device.

Earlier today I prepared batter to have pancakes for tea as that would be quick - or so I thought. Once we were home I cooked them and added maple syrup. From the first bite I knew that the maple syrup was off! So I ended up having toast and jam instead...

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