
By mambo

Underneath the Arches

We all met for breakfast in the hotel, gosh my granddaughters were tired this morning and they still had two performances ahead of them.
Elaine and l walked into the city centre admiring the architecture new and old and how it sits well side by side.
This afternoon we took a boat ride on the canals, it was so relaxing.
We had a meal then went back to the hotel to freshen up before going to the theatre to see Evolving Visions, eight short dances. Ruby was the first dancer on stage so that was a special moment.
All three danced really well, Kitty has really come into her own. 
Last time all three will dance together at NYB will be in two weeks time at Sadler’s Wells.
I bought three bunches of white roses to give them afterwards.
There was a time l would have taken a photograph of the three of them for my blip but resisted, you will just have to take my word that l couldn’t be prouder than l was tonight.

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